TRANSCO CLSG, a Regional Transmission Company set up under the West African Power Pool (WAPP), contracted INTEGEMS to undertake consulting services for the “Establishment of a Baseline Database of the Environmental Component of the CLSG Project Area in Sierra Leone”.

The GoSL intends to expand the production of electricity to substantially increase the generating capacity, transmission and distribution networks. As such the Ministry of Energy on behalf of the Government of Sierra Leone has signed a memorandum of understanding with SMRT Projects and Energy Solutions to develop a 6MWpPV Grid Connected Power Plant along with the required interconnection to the existing 161 Kv Bumbuna Line.

Algom Resources Limited contracted INTEGEMS to undertake a comprehensive Environmental, Social, Health, Safety, and Security (including a gap analysis and an updated Environmental and Social Impact Assessment) of the Baomahun Gold Project’s operational sites (mine site, haul roads, including any/all current and future associated infrastructure) and project-affected communities.

Leonoil Company contracted INTEGEMS to undertake a comprehensive Environmental Social and Impact Assessment (ESIA) study on the twenty (20) LEONCO retail outlets in Sierra Leone. The study examined both positive and negative impacts that the Project’s current and future operations are likely to have on both biophysical and socio-economic environment. Early identification of possible impacts promoted environmental and social compliance so that anthropogenic factors will not interfere with the natural environment but will blend with it creating harmony.

SMRT Projects and Energy Solutions Limited contracted INTEGEMS to undertake an ESIA Study for its proposed 6MWp PV Grid Connected Power Plant. The purpose of the ESIA is to provide environmental and social assessments by identifying the potentially significant environmental and socio-economic issues relating to the implementation, operation and decommissioning of the proposed Solar Plant development.

INTEGEMS was contracted by GeoPartners Limited to undertake an Environmental Social and Health Impact Assessment (ESHIA) Studies for a proposed 2D seismic exploratory survey offshore Sierra Leone. The seismic survey is required to obtain information about the underlying geological strata and the potential hydrocarbon deposits that lie with-in the formations beneath the seabed within the survey area.

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